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  • Writer's pictureWahyu Riawanti

Half Vegan and Half Keto

What is the best diet? It will be difficult to answer. We do have our own favorite way to lose weight... or not at al...

In may humble opinion, you don't have to be a martir to find a healthy lifestyle. We don't need to be a fundamental vegan only to eat more fruit and veggie. In the other hand, I don't have to be a full time Keto diet lover to eat less grain and more protein from meat.

But the problem is: we are used to be regulated. You need a motivator and a guardian angel to make sure that you have to follow a certain rule. It doesn't matter if you have chosen the best diet method, As long as you don't obey the role, you will end it with the same regret.

So just tell your body to decide, and ask you mind to regulate. Hopefully, it will work. Good luck with that.

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