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  • Writer's pictureWahyu Riawanti


What an extinguishing word. I doesn't matter you have Asian, American or European meals, as long as you have made it by yourself, you will be able to tell stories about the food you have eaten. I will not put the idea into great discourse of production-consumption habit or policy. Lets just talk about how it might be provided. This yummy and beautiful sandwiches

Making the white bread by myself, I have a better recipe to have a more dense and smell great of roti tawar. To be honest, combination between the premium Japanese branded flour and good butter is the key. You may understand it taste good when you touch the texture of the dough and it just seem so fine.

Once again, for me t is all about how we provide our meal. I may tell tens of things from this very simple meal. How I got the leftover salad dressing to mix it with the mashed scramble eggs. The way I have to put the tomatoes' seed and skin aside before fry them, so it would remove the sour taste that my kid wont like. How I got some onion leaves from my own garden and put it into the minced beef.

So many stories. And it heal me since every single step of the process made me think, and finally it will slow my mind down. That you have so many thing to tell, even it is for yourself, is truly relieving, Every single morning you wake up not only for regular job and your routine duties but to do something exciting.


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