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  • Writer's pictureWahyu Riawanti

Local Herbs, Rempah

This cuisine is rich of local herbs, spicy roasted chicken with rempah. Rempah, literally means local spices in bahasa Indonesia, give us a rich flavor and great aroma. I used ginger, lengkuas and kapulaga this time. Roasted meat with fresh spices is one of the best ways to create local genuine and healthy menu.

The question is: how about the chicken. The commercial chicken is always blamed for its contribution on unhealthy menu, lets say that common fried chicken in fast food resto. The thing is, that is not only the raw food matter, but also how you cook them. And the biggest source of unhealthy food are: fried, too much preservation and high carbo. So, steamed chicken ( from commercial industry) with fresh spice and herbs is definitely healthy. No debate. I do think we need to be more specific before blaming certain food.

In term of promoting local food, how can you describe that a food is local. Description of local and not local is ambiguous though, compared to the more strict definition of food being healthy. I prefer providing the healthy and good food rather than arguing whether one certain food is local or imported.

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