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  • Writer's pictureWahyu Riawanti

Marriage and Wedding Occasion

Marriage is very important issue for many culture. And they consider that the wedding occasion is the best part of the marriage itself . Even more, why does it seem like wedding occasion is way more important than the marriage? Well at least for the most part of Asian countries. They have thousands ritual and symbols of wedding things, and one of them is Roti Buaya for Betawi - Jakarta Indonesia culture.

This Crocodile Bread is famous for wedding party in Betawi. Usually the groom - to be family would bring a pair of the bread to the braid's home as part of dowry. But why crocodile, though?. There are so many similarity in Asian family tradition. Birth of day, party for children, wedding and funeral. But still the wedding procession have more complicated attributes, and still I can't find the similar idea about this crocodile bread design.

Once I posted this photo in my social media, two friends of mine begged me to make some for their family wedding occasion. Haha. What a nice compliment. A friend from India wants me to invite him and fam to have the bread... How could I invite anyone, I have no plan to marry again. Kwkw.

Can we just have some of these bread without any term and condition. Wedding is just a very tiny part of your battle. That very symbol means nothing if you don't fight for your marriage, darling. Again, why crocodile? Will that be a symbol of a struggling process? Also, if crocodile was no strong enough as symbol, I can make a T-Rex bread for your fearless wedding procession.


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